Презентации книг Луиджи Джуссани
Presentation of the Croatian version of the book All'origine delle pretesa cristiana
The presentation of the Croatian version of the book All'origine delle pretesa cristiana (Izazov kršćanstva: podrijetlo kršćanske pretenzije, Verbum: 2004) in Zagreb was held on February 11th, 2012 (Saturday) guided by the visitor of CL Giovanni Limentani. It was in the hall of the parish Župa Srca Isusova, Palmotićeva 33, Zagreb. Although it was very bad weather (snow and wind) Limentani managed to come to Croatia as well as members of the CL Croatia and their friends. There were around 20 people. Starting with the music example of Mozart’s “Et incarnatus est”, Limentani made the presentation based on the text of don Carrón’s presentation pointing out the most important paragraphs. Mrs. Marija Brigljević translated from Italian. The presentation lasted a little under 2 hours, after which everyone was invited to join the Holy Mass in the parish church.